1. No API needed for this. All lists have an export function which will provide the entire list as a csv file containing a variety of fields: Simply open up the list page ie: /list/ls#########/, click the vertical ellipsis menu button at the top right of the page: Then click the"Export" link in the popup menu: You'll be prompted with a csv ...
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(You could not build your own IMDB with just the files that are available) However, Rotten Tomatoes does have a nice web interface that returns, among other things, the imdb id of the films - in the alternate_ids section. So, you could use the Rotten Tomatoes API to obtain the imdb id without screen scraping imdb directly.
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I believe it is better to use the official IMDb API as stated on the official website. From the IMDb developer website: Get the latest IMDb data on-demand through our new GraphQL-backed API. Available exclusively via AWS Data Exchange
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1. IMDB API does (now) provide summaries. In fact, it supplies two: a simple plot and a full plot. answered Jan 24, 2013 at 13:36. andrewrjones. 1,841 22 25. 0. If summary is not implement in IMDB API there's nothing you do about it. You have to wait for them to implement.
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IMDB doesn't seem to have a direct API as of August 2016 yet but I saw many people writing scrapers and stuff above. Here is a more standard way to access movie data using box office buzz API. All responses in JSON format and 5000 queries per day on a free plan. List of things provided by the API.
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I have done extensive research and found that I couldn't find an API. Is there any available API to get the TOP 250 list? Or another way to get access to the list? I tried accessing the page HTML and
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Notice that you cannot rely or control the poster size/cropping dimensions of the posters. This will be a pain in the ass if you need same size for thumbnail grid.
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It's quite easy. Just grab the link like file_get_contents or CURL, then use json_decode and you can have access to the IMDB ID as a variable.
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so Im using the Top 250 Movies database in IMDb's API and i need the genres and descriptions of all the movies but i looked in IMDb's API list and they don't have anything about genres or descriptions. I just want the genres and the short description on the IMDb website when you are on a movie.
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Well I'm using IMDb-api in my app and need to be able to browse movies/series by their genre like this in IMDb website. And I looked into IMDb-API Documentation and they haven't mentioned such a thing in its documentation.
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